In Thrall Page 5
“Hmm...” He mused, in a mocking tone. “Should I finish myself off, and spurt on your face? Or are you finally ready to admit that you want me?”
She swallowed hard, watching his hand stroking in slow, deliberate movements. “Yes... yes, my Lord.” She breathed. “I want you.” It felt good to admit it to him, and to herself. God help her, she did want him. “I want you to take me, I want you to claim me, my Master.”
He growled, a low erotic sound, and let go of his phallus, grabbing her by the ankles and dragging her toward the edge of the bed. He took hold of her hips and suddenly knelt, bending his head between her legs and delving his tongue immediately into her slick folds.
The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced. She was shocked at the urgency in him - the need - as he licked and sucked on her clit, and forced his tongue inside her over and over. In only a few seconds she moaned, heedless of who might hear, arching her hips to meet him and reaching down to hold his face against her.
She quickly felt herself approach the edge. Alarmed, she cried out. “My Lord, I... I'm going to -”
He withdrew his tongue, and stood up, grinning wildly. Grabbing her hips, he pushed himself up against her, bending over to kiss her roughly.
She tasted herself on his lips, and to her surprise she found it very pleasant. After a moment she had to turn her head away and catch her breath. Her body was on the very precipice. She felt as though any moment she might go over.
He bent to bite her neck again, near the collarbone, and she felt his cock right against her entrance. It felt impossibly large, as though it might stretch her to breaking. But she thought it might be the kind of pain that felt good. She wanted to break for him. She wrapped her legs around him – tried to pull him closer.
He pushed inside her, forcing just the tip of his huge member past her barrier. She felt a burning pain, and closed her eyes tightly.
He nibbled on her neck again, and when the pain ebbed and she relaxed, he pushed further, firmly pushing himself in to the hilt.
This time, she cried out as the pain became tearing, and tears formed in her eyes. He did not stop though, rocking his hips against hers before pulling out, then thrusting in again and again.
It felt impossibly tight, and yet he slid easily in and out of her slick cunt, and soon the pain gave way to pleasure – the delicious friction sending waves of sensation through her body.
She began to moan again, and he thrust harder, lifting her hips easily as he pumped mercilessly into her.
“That's it, my girl,” he said, his voice shaking and his breathing ragged. “Come for me now.” He reached out with one arm, and grabbed her breast, cupping it in his huge hand, then pinching the nipple hard.
The intense sensation, and the raw hunger in his voice – the need – sent her over the edge. She clutched his shoulders as she arched her back, tensing. Little convulsions ran through her as the pleasure took over, and she cried out in ecstasy again and again.
She felt herself clench around his cock in rhythmic pulses, and as she locked her legs around him even harder he threw his head back and growled.
His cock pulsed inside her, and he thrust one last time, holding her hips tightly against his as he released his seed in forceful spurts.
Leif moaned quietly, his head lolling forward for a moment as he breathed heavily, still twitching inside her.
Her pleasure was slowly fading away, leaving a warm afterglow. Zahira relaxed her legs, and Leif slowly withdrew from her. She felt some of his seed spill out of her as she moved, drawing her legs up onto the bed and rolling on her side, making room for her Master.
With a heavy sigh he collapsed next to her. His skin was still wet from the bath, his hair still dripping. Zahira's breathing gradually slowed as she recovered. She felt drained, and thoroughly sated. She was throbbing and sore between the legs, but she knew it would pass. Above all, she was amazed. How had this wild, rough man made her want him so much?
For a moment she thought he had fallen asleep, and was beginning to wonder if she should get out of the bed. Then he rolled, turning over to face her.
“Are you pleased, my Lord?” She asked.
He paused for a moment, then smiled at her. It was one of the first times he had looked unguarded – with no mockery, teasing or bragging. He reached out and stroked her hair out of her face. “Yes, my pet. I am pleased.” He said.
They lay quiet for a while, and Zahira was almost asleep when he got out of bed. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and wrapped a fur around herself.
Leif prodded the fire and added a log, and went to a cupboard, searching for something. In a moment, he sat back down next to her on the bed. She caught sight of the object he held. It was a fine hair comb, with a mother-of-pearl handle.
He turned her head away from him, took her hair in his hands, and began to run the comb through it.
A myriad of emotions was churning through the girl. She didn't know how to voice any of them, so she didn't. She had no choice left to her. This man, her Master, held her life entirely in his hands. But was it possible... could it turn out to be not so bad?
He was gentle as he untangled her hair, and combed it until it was glossy.
She turned her head. “Thank you, my Lord.” She said, meaning it.
He smiled, and she thought he looked wistful.
“That is a beautiful comb,” she said, admiring it as he held it loosely, hand resting on his lap.
“It belonged to my wife.” He replied.
Zahira was stunned into silence. She wanted to ask questions, but didn't want to pry. Instead, she acted on impulse, putting her arms around him and kissing him on his rough cheek.
He looked surprised, and it snapped him out of his pensive mood.
He smiled. “Share my bed tonight.”
A tiny flicker of happiness sparked inside her. “I would like that.” She answered.
He pulled furs over them, getting into bed beside her, and she lay on his arm, pillowing her head on his shoulder. The bed was the most comfortable she had ever slept in, and she felt warm and protected.
That was when she thought about Hilde's advice. Make him fall in love with you. As though such a thing could be manufactured – as if she could deceive him into it.
Would he free her, if he came to love her?
What if she came to love him?
Thinking about it, she decided that for this moment, none of it mattered a bit.
Leif was already snoring softly. It took some time for Zahira to quiet the thoughts racing through her head - but finally her eyes closed, and she slept, and dreamed.
In the days that followed, Zahira watched over children, began to learn to spin and weave, and picked up the rudiments of the language of the Northmen.
In the evenings, she warmed Leif's bed when it was asked of her, which was more often than not. He took delight in teaching her to please him, and as well, teaching her the pleasures her own body had to offer. There was pain, as well, mingled with the pleasure. And that, she learned to accept.
On some nights, Leif ranged far, hunting or attending gatherings, and spent the night away. She found herself missing him then.
He brought her beautiful dresses of rich fabric. They were in a variety of styles, none quite the same as the women wore back at home, but she liked them all the same. He gifted her rings for her fingers, of gold and jewels. She dressed for him with kohl on her eyes and her hair in whatever elaborate styles she could manage on her own.
He liked for her to come to dinner so he could show her off in front of everyone. She didn't mind. The men got used to her being at his side, and the thralls stopped thinking of her as a novelty. Though she never did hard manual labor, she tried to help in other ways.
In what hours she had spare, she worked on embroidery, making elaborate patterns of the sort women wore in the harems. She practiced on her new harp and taught Harald the basics of the instrument. The boy taught her to play the lute
, though he laughed at how slow she was to learn.
She was allowed to walk outside, and not restricted in her movements. One day, she even asked permission to go to the market. Leif sent Harald and two older, tough warriors with her as a guard, and she was allowed to do business with the merchants.
She had never been allowed such freedom while she'd lived in the harem.
The new moon came and went, and Leif and his men prepared to set sail. This was a merchant run – the majority of their trips were for trading, not raiding – and not reckoned to be dangerous.
She still worried for him.
On the day they were to leave, the warriors stood on the hill, saying their goodbyes. Women from the village embraced their husbands and men hugged their young children. Zahira stood side by side with Freja. The woman was, as always, dressed in her armor, carrying her sword.
“Brother,” Freja said, “One of these days, I will come with you. I am not cut out to be a housewife.”
Leif chuckled, and yanked on one of her blonde plaits. “Yes, sister,” he replied. “One of these days.”
He turned to Zahira, took her in his arms and embraced her hard, lifting her feet off the ground. She laughed, and he kissed her on the lips. He talked close to her ear, so that no one else could hear.
“One of these days,” he repeated, “I will make you my wife. Freja will be both jubilant, and horrified, I believe.”
Zahira gaped at him, disbelieving. “my Lord?”
“She will no longer have to be in charge of the house.” He explained.”
The girl frowned. “But...” was all she managed to stammer out.
He laughed out loud, setting her on her feet. He kissed her once more, indulgently. “You think I don't realize,” he said, and reached out to place his hand on her lower belly.
She blushed, stunned into silence. No, she hadn't thought he'd known. She hadn't been sure of it until days ago, and it had been Hilde that first recognized the signs of her pregnancy.
“Be well, my jewel,” Leif said. “I will be gone only a month. And then, we shall see.”
“Yes, my Master,” she answered, her heart swelling with relief, anxiety, happiness, and everything in between. “We shall see.”